Saturday, November 10, 2012

Chapter 11 is up!

Miracle of Miracles! The final chapter of Remember Him has just been posted. Use the link on the right sidebar or click here. I cannot wait to hear what you think! I hope I don't let any of you down.

I'm glad so many people have enjoyed and do enjoy my work. It's time, though, for me to take a sabatical from VampWriter and focus on finishing my novel. It had been my life for almost two years, and it's time to go back to it.

I may post shorter stories periodically, and I'll definitely still be following and commenting on all of the amazing blogs out there. I'll also continue on Facebook and tumblr.

I will be coming back to VampWriter eventually, but I'm not sure of timing.

Thanks again for all of your support. It means a lot.

-- Kazy


  1. ah thank you so much for sharing your stories and talent, and best of luck with the novel! I will miss you updating here though but I suppose it is time to return to making a living haha, good luck! xxx

    1. It hasn't made me a living yet. :) It will be (hopefully) my first novel. I'm also going to submit Exposure Time to publishers soon.

      Thanks for reading!
