Friday, September 28, 2012

New Muses

Well, not new, but the pictures are.

First, I added a picture of Clint Mauro to my muses. Aside from being my favorite model, Clint is also my inspiration for Jon Billings in Exposure Time. Thanks to Front Management, for allowing me to use the incredible shot from the Armani A|X Body campaign (2007).

Next, I'll admit (though some of you know) that the book of models that Abe and Tork discuss was based on Mariano Vivanco's Uomini: Dolce & Gabbana (Rizzoli, 2011). From the cover image below, I'm sure you'll figure out the attraction. Click here to see a few images from the book on my tumblr blog.

Thanks to Mariano Vivanco for the image!
Visit his website for more about the book @

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you changed the photo of Martin Pichler for Marius. The old one looked too nice. The new one makes him look like the predator he is.
    All of your guys are just... wow! I could stare at them all day. Except Martin/Marius. He's creepy.
