Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Guest author M.A. Church!

I'm so excited to have M.A. Church visiting the blog again! Today, we're celebrating the release of "Inestimable", the French translation of her fabulous 2012 title "Priceless". For those of you who read French, I hope you enjoy the blurb and excerpt below.

Des étincelles jaillissent quand Cupidon vise deux mortels à Las Vegas : Randy Jones, un homme ordinaire, en voyage d’affaires, croise le regard de Garrett Shiffler à une table de craps et le temps s’arrête alors. Rejetant tout ce en quoi il croit, Randy se lance dans une aventure torride de deux nuits avec lui, avant de paniquer en réalisant qu’il est tombé amoureux.

Le milliardaire cynique Garrett Shiffler a tout ce que l’argent peut acheter, et la plupart des hommes avec qui il sort, n’arrivent pas à voir plus loin que son portefeuille. La vie lui a appris que l’innocence et l’amour ne sont que le fruit d’une imagination collective. Mais quand Randy disparaît, emportant avec lui des sentiments que Garrett n’imaginait même pas avoir, il s’engage dans la bataille la plus importante de sa vie pour gagner son amour. Mais cette fois-ci, il se bat avec son cœur, et non son compte en banque.

Pendant ce temps, Cupidon se demande ce qui s’est passé. Ses flèches dorées ne ratent jamais leur cible habituellement, sauf quand le Destin intervient. Si Garrett veut récupérer Randy, il va devoir le faire seul, car le Destin a d’autres plans en réserve pour Cupidon.

APRÈS S’ÊTRE encore fait demander sa carte d’identité, l’homme à l’allure juvénile entra dans le casino. Ses yeux brillaient d’une lueur espiègle alors qu’il scrutait la foule de gens. Il écarta quelques mèches blondes et bouclées de son front, cherchant cette fois un certain type d’individu. Il avait maintenant juste besoin d’inspiration pour frapper, et ses flèches loyales étaient prêtes à l’emploi. Se déplaçant dans la foule, il regarda autour de lui. Il avait le choix parmi tant d'hommes solitaires qui avaient besoin d'amour dans leur vie.

Il était connu sous bien des noms, mais il préférait Cupidon, le nom que sa mère lui avait donné. Mythologie grecque, mythologie romaine… Il haussa les épaules. Les humains ne savaient pas à quel point ils avaient massacré le panthéon, non pas que cela importe de toute manière. Il connaissait la vérité, tout comme ceux de son espèce la connaissaient.

Ses yeux scrutèrent à nouveau le casino… là ! Il avait trouvé ce qu’il cherchait. Cet homme. Avec un large sourire, il se fraya un chemin à travers la foule.

GARRETT REGARDAIT la foule du casino ‘Palms’ de Las Vegas d’un air ennuyé et nonchalant, ses yeux ne voyant rien de ce qui se passait autour de lui. Il était agité, et même l’excitation habituelle du jeu n’arrivait pas à piquer son intérêt. Il fit négligemment sauter le dé dans sa main, ne s’intéressant pas aux montants élevés des mises de la partie de craps qu’il était en train de jouer. La foule autour de lui eut le souffle coupé en voyant que sa chance avait tourné, et qu’il venait de perdre plus d’argent en un seul coup de dé que ce que certaines personnes gagnaient en un an. Mais même cela ne parvint pas à le tirer de son humeur morose. Soudain, la chance lui sourit de nouveau avec le coup de dés suivant.

Son corps fut parcouru d’un frisson et ses cheveux se dressèrent sur sa nuque. Quelque chose, un changement dans l’atmosphère peut-être, attira son attention. Une fois encore, il examina la foule autour de la table de craps, cherchant… quelque chose. Il plissa les yeux et se concentra sur l’homme en face de lui, de l’autre côté de la table. Le temps sembla ralentir, et se figer. Le brouhaha agaçant du casino devint un simple bruit de fond jusqu’à ce qu’il n’entende ni ne voie plus rien… à part, lui.

Le cœur de Garrett rata un battement et augmenta rapidement, accélérant soudain, puis prit une courte pause avant de battre à un rythme effréné. Son esprit imagina une série de scènes en Technicolor qui exigeait que l’homme en face de lui prenne la pose, se penche et s’étire dans un nombre de positions érotiques et explicites. Les yeux de Garrett le scrutèrent jusqu’à ce qu’ils rencontrent des prunelles surprises, de couleur gris acier, et un autre frisson traversa rapidement son corps.

Ces yeux brillaient d’une douce lueur innocente comme Garrett en avait rarement vue et qu’il ne croyait pas exister encore aujourd’hui. Son esprit restait incrédule. Personne ne pouvait être aussi innocent, personne. Mais une partie de son âme longuement réprimée chuchota… ‘Et si’ ? Et si cet homme n’était pas un simulateur et qu’il était réellement ce qu’il semblait être ? Surpris par la réaction de son corps, il décida d’en avoir le cœur net. Il fixa l’homme de l’autre côté de la table de son regard glacé. Un petit sourire en coin flotta sur les lèvres de Garrett alors qu’il faisait signe à l’homme de venir à ses côtés.

M.A. Church lives in the southern United States and spent many years in the elementary education sector. She is married to her high school sweetheart and they have two children. Her hobbies are gardening, walking, attending flea markets, watching professional football, racing, and spending time with her family on the lake.

But her most beloved hobby is reading. From an early age, she can remember hunting for books at the library. Later nonhuman and science fiction genres captured her attention and drew her into the worlds the authors had created. But always at the back of her mind was the thought that one day, when the kids were older and she had more time, she would write a book.

By sheer chance she stumbled across a gay male romance story on the web and was hooked. A new world opened up and she fell in love. Thus the journey started. When not writing or researching, she enjoys reading the latest erotic and mainstream romance novels.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday Briefs - Boys of Belsmeade 10

Welcome to Wednesday Briefs! It's flash fiction, so this story will be presented in 1000(ish)-word chapters. I hope you enjoy it, and check out the many other flashers, whose links are below. You can also check out the Wednesday Briefs Blog for more info and to sign up for email notifications.

Thanks for reading!


Chapter Ten

"Eliot, stop!"

Aramis was able to pull his mate back just before Dr. Berenz became the latest fatality in the surreal horror story. He pinned Eliot's arms to his sides and whispered in his ear. "It's all right, babe. He's not going to hurt you."

"He'll hurt you," Eliot panted, struggling to free himself.

At the end of his wits, Aramis bit his own wrist and offered it to his mate, who sucked greedily. Aramis kissed the top of his newborn mate's head and winced as fangs clumsily scraped his sensitive skin. It wasn't all pain, though. The pleasure of Eliot's lips on him, the steady draw of blood made him hard. He was sincerely glad his erection was hidden.

John Berenz sank into a chair, tears sliding down his face. He looked in horror as his son—was that really his son? Eliot's eyes were practically glowing and he grunted like an animal as he committed his cannibalistic act.

After a few moments passed, the doctor looked at Mr. Ambrogi and spoke quietly. "I… I don't understand. You said there was an accident."

"And I told you the truth," Mr. Ambrogi replied. "While your son and Aramis were… intimate with one another, Eliot inadvertently bit Aramis' lip and tasted his blood. Just one taste of Aramis' blood is enough to turn a human into one of our kind."

"Human? Are you telling me that he's a… you're a… my son is a…"

"Vampires, Dr. Berenz. My son and I—and now Eliot—are vampires."

Aramis felt light-headed and was losing too much blood, but Eliot wouldn't relinquish his meal. "Um, dad, can you…"

Mr. Ambrogi blazed his eyes into Eliot's. When he had his attention, the elder vampire hissed. "Enough! Release him."

The power of the elder's voice made refusing the command impossible. Eliot nodded, stepped away from Aramis and licked at the blood smeared around his mouth and chin.

A rivulet of red-tinged saliva dripped from Eliot's jaw. John turned away from the nightmare before him and emptied his stomach onto the floor. Mr. Ambrogi called for a doctor, who took advantage of the human's incapacitation by injecting a sedative into his arm.

"We'll keep him sedated for the time being, Mr. Ambrogi," the doctor assured him.

"Yes, make sure he is guarded constantly." Two orderlies brought in a stretcher and gently loaded the unconscious doctor onto it. They wheeled him out and closed the door.

Oblivious to his father's distress, Eliot body began to metabolize Aramis' blood. One effect was heightened arousal. He pushed he body against his mate and whispered in his ear. "I need you. Please."

Aramis was conflicted. On one hand, he was miserable for ruining—who was he kidding?—ending Eliot's life and possibly sending Mr. Berenz off the edge of sanity, never to return. Misery washed over him and he felt heavy with guilt. On the other hand, his mate was rubbing a very hard shaft up and down his leg, and whimpering in his ear, begging him for sex.

"Please, Aramis," Eliot whined. "Fuck me."

"You need to finish mating him," Mr. Ambrogi explained. When he saw his son's pained expression, he asked, "What is wrong?"

Aramis groaned. "The truth is, dad: Eliot's a virgin. How can I bring myself to take his virginity while he's barely aware of what's going on? I wanted it to be… special."

"Circumstances being what they are, we need to think about your mate's needs. Once you enter him and drink his blood, his mind will clear. You can make love to him again once his transition is complete."

"I don't see how this can get any more awkward," Aramis muttered. Eliot wrapped his arms around Aramis and pawed at his backside. "And yet the awkward meter just tipped the scales. Can you maybe go now, dad?"

Mr. Ambrogi nodded and reminded his son, "Just make sure you ejaculate inside him while feeding."

Eliot worked his hand under Aramis' waistband and Aramis yelped. "Somehow, I don't see that as being an issue."


"Eliot? Are you comfortable?"

I stretched and pulled the blankets up further around my shoulders. When I felt the cool sheets move against my skin—my naked skin—my eyes flew open. Aramis and I lay in a twin-sized bed. His smile was nervous, and a cursory search with my hand informed me that he was as nude as I.

I gulped. "Did we… Have we…"

Aramis shifted closer and carefully rested a hand on my hip. With a shy smile, he said, "No, we didn't. I couldn't quite bring myself to finish the mating while you were so out of it. It was hard, though. You kept begging me and trying to bite me."

"What do you mean by mating?" I asked, nervously.

"I mean the ritual joining of our souls by the exchange of life-force."

"That's as clear as mud, Aramis."

He finally smiled a little. "It means I have to drink your blood while I come inside you."

My eyes bulged. "Oh. So we have to…"

"Yes." I nodded slowly and something seemed to snap in Aramis. He knelt on the bed and took both my hands in his. "I'm so sorry, Eliot! You cannot know how guilty I feel, how desolate I am. I understand completely if you don't want me as a mate."

He leaned forward to kiss my hands and the sheet felt away from his lap. The sight of his cock, limp against his thigh made my mouth water. He wasn't aroused, yet it was already long and thick. My imagination went into overdrive and I picture just how much bigger it would be when Aramis was erect.

"Holy fuck," I whispered.

As much as I wanted to talk to Aramis, as much as I knew we should discuss the situation, my mate's cock called to me. My body sang with need, and I couldn't resist the pull. Rising to my knees, I pushed Aramis onto his back, lifted the warm shaft in my trembling fingers, and covered him with my mouth.


Don't forget to visit the other flashers!

Cia Nordwell
Elyzabeth VaLey
JC Wallace
Jim Dunaway
Jon Keys
Julie Lynn Hayes
MA Church
Ravon Silvius
Shelly Schulz
Sarah Hayes
Tali Spencer

Friday, July 11, 2014

Guest Author M.A. Church!

Hey there! I'm very excited to host M.A. Church as the first guest author on my blog. She's here to talk about her new release, Nighttime Promises.

M.A. was my gateway drug, you might say, into the world of gay romance. I was tired of the same, old m/f erotica, and I happened across her work on Literotica… Instant addict. I had never been into Sci-Fi books before, but the worlds that this incredibly talented author creates intrigued me enough to try it. I'm eternally grateful I did.

I hope you enjoy M.A.'s post below and check out her blog for links to buy her books and some amazing free reads!


Interesting question. And actually is what partly sparked this series. What kind of aliens could I come up with? Hmmm. A race that doesn’t show emotions until they find their mates. I wanted a body type that was something a little different. Maybe a tad bit frightening.

What about tentacles?

But I didn’t want these coming out of the body like arms. Nope, I had another idea. What about tentacles that are like… hair. Kind of like dreads. Dreads that not only move, but also take part in sex.

Yup, lol. That’s what I said. ;)

Think Predator with more humanoid features. Still as dangerous, but having the ability to love. And whoo boy, when these big guys fall, they fall hard lol. ;)

Be careful what you wish for...

The first time Daroshi spotted Bryan, the Maz’Rarian warrior knew he wanted the small town sheriff as his mate. Things have been going downhill since. Daroshi doesn’t have experience dealing with humans, especially a very unhappy human male who’s just had his well-planned life jerked out from under him. Little does Daroshi know the changes Bryan will insist be made to help him adjust. But he also never dreamed someone would actually try to kill his mate.

The shocks just keep coming for Sheriff Bryan Coltrane. Finding out aliens exist was bad enough. Finding himself mated to one was definitely not on his to-do list. Wait, what? Did someone say tentacles? And if that’s not enough, a killer tried to poison him. Added to his misery, now he’s on his way to another planet—a planet that he hates on sight. How’s he supposed to survive in such a cold, ugly industrialized world? Can you take the country out of the boy without killing his spirit?

As Bryan struggles to adapt, a killer plots to end his new life... before it even begins.

Nighttime Wishes - Book 1
Nighttime Dreams - Book 2

All Romance Books

Bryan grinned, a wide smile crossing his face, his hands shaking a bit. “Well, let’s get that port window open then. I’d like to see the planet from space.”

They were going to see Daroshi’s planet. It wasn’t everyday he saw a planet from a space ship. And, this was where he was going to live now. God only knew what kind of new animals and… just things in general he’d be learning about. Daroshi stepped toward a blanked-out screen and touched the bottom.

Shawn moved closer to Bryan. “It’s kinda scary, isn’t it? I mean, this is soon-to-be our home. Think about it, Bryan. We’re going to live on a new planet. A place most humans have never seen. Man, I bet there are several scientists that would give their left nuts to be…”

Shawn trailed off as the screen flickered, the blackness fading away to an equally dark view of space, but with a planet in the distance, the only object in sight.

Bryan blinked. “Hmmm.”

Shawn scratched his head. “Ah…”

Daroshi turned from the screen, pride evident on his face. “There it is… Maz’Rar. A proud and mighty planet. What do you think?”

Shawn glanced at Bryan. “Well, it’s big.”

Bryan blinked again as the view continued to shift, drawing closer, the planet filling the screen. A moon orbited the planet. “Yeah, big. Very big.”

Shawn cleared his throat. “And, um… it’s round.”

Bryan nodded. “Yup, round.”

“And… it’s really gray. Lots and lots of gray. Seems to be swirling all around the planet.”

Bryan swallowed. Lots and lots of gray? There’s nothing but gray. Just endless gray circulating in those strange swirls. Is that the atmosphere? Can we even breathe that air? “Uh-huh, that’s the color gray, all right. No doubt about it.” Bryan glanced at Daroshi. “How long before we land?”

“Soon. I can’t wait to show you around. You won’t believe the advances in technology we have.”

Bryan nodded. “Looking forward to it.” And the first thing we need to do is introduce these guys to the concept of color. Jesus, that’s the ugliest planet I’ve ever seen. Doesn’t look anything like Earth.

Daroshi smiled at Bryan, and then turned back to the port window. “I’m so glad to be home.”

Bryan looked at Shawn. Shawn slowly turned, checking to make sure Daroshi was engrossed with the view in front of him. Shawn glanced at Bryan and wrinkled his nose as though he’d smelled something gross.

Bryan pressed his lips closed and nodded. Oh yeah, I agree. Butt ugly describes that planet. Let’s hope it gets better.

M.A. Church lives in the southern United States and spent many years in the elementary education sector. She is married to her high school sweetheart and they have two children. Her hobbies are gardening, walking, attending flea markets, watching professional football, racing, and spending time with her family on the lake.

But her most beloved hobby is reading. From an early age, she can remember hunting for books at the library. Later nonhuman and science fiction genres captured her attention and drew her into the worlds the authors had created. But always at the back of her mind was the thought that one day, when the kids were older and she had more time, she would write a book.

By sheer chance, she stumbled across a gay male romance story on the web and was hooked. A new world opened up and she fell in love. Thus the journey started. When not writing or researching, she enjoys reading the latest erotic and mainstream romance novels.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Wednesday Briefs - Boys of Belsmeade 9

Welcome to Wednesday Briefs! It's flash fiction, so this story will be presented in 1000(ish)-word chapters. I hope you enjoy it, and check out the many other flashers, whose links are below. You can also check out the Wednesday Briefs Blog for more info and to sign up for email notifications.

Thanks for reading!


Chapter Nine

An annoying buzz woke John Berenz just after midnight. He groped around and grabbed his phone. With a yawn, he said, "Dr. Berenz speaking."

"Dr. Berenz, my name is Aristes Ambrogi. I sit on the board of Mass General."

The doctor was truly perplexed as to why a board member would be calling in the middle of the night. "I've heard your name before, Mr. Ambrogi. What can I help you with?"

"Well, it's about your son. I don't want to alarm you, but I'm afraid there's been an accident."

John shot out of bed and began dressing. "What? Where? Oh my God!"

"Please remain calm, sir. Eliot is in stable condition. The accident also involved my own son."

The doctor's heart rate was already through the roof, but when Mr. Ambrogi made that statement, John felt nauseated. "I'm sorry, Mr. Ambrogi. Is your son alive?"

There was a slight pause before the reply. "Yes, my son is… alive."

"Oh thank God," John breathed. "Where are they? At Mass Gen?"

"No. I have moved them to a private clinic in Brookline, run by a team of some of the best physicians in the area. This way, we can give Eliot the individual attention that he needs."

"Individual attention? Please tell me what happened, Mr. Ambrogi."

Aristes cleared his throat. He was still unsure of how to explain the night's events to Eliot's father. As it was, the council was in an uproar, and it was only through unabashed begging that Aristes kept them from destroying the accidentally turned human, as well as Aramis for turning him. Attempting to sound confident, he told Dr. Berenz, "I think it best if you come and speak to the doctors yourself."

"Just tell me what—"

"I'm sorry," Aristes said. "You'll have to come down."

John huffed. "Fine. Give me the address and room number."


No one was sure how long the change would take, but with the sudden manner in which the boy had been turned worried the council. Such a traumatic change usually caused a newborn to turn quickly, and be very unstable and violent. For that reason, they had transported Eliot to their private clinic under careful observation.

The mere suggestion of leaving his mate in the doctor's care sent Aramis off the deep end. He hadn't moved from Eliot's side since the human had slipped into unconsciousness, and Aramis didn't intend to leave him until he woke. Someone touched Aramis on the shoulder and got a low growl for an answer.

"You need to rest," Mr. Ambrogi said gently.

His son shook his head. "What did the council say?"

"They will not destroy him."

Aramis head snapped up and he looked on his father with disbelief. "They're not going to…"

"Neither Eliot nor you. I explained the unusual circumstances, including the theft of your phone. Whoever took it and sent the message to Eliot seems to be the guilty party in this mess. Trust me when I say that person will regret the day they crossed the Ambrogi clan."

A quiet moan came from the bed and Aramis gasped. The moan morphed into a whimper, then a growl, which quickly grew in intensity. Eliot's eyes flew open and he leapt from the bed and into the corner of the room, panting and scratching at his throat. Unable to speak, he hissed at the two other vampires. Long fangs pierced his bottom lip, and the pain infuriated him further.

Aristes slowly made his way across the room, attempting to look non-threatening. He reached out a hand as though he was approaching a wild horse. His voice was steady and calm. "We won't hurt you. Do you know who you are?"

"No," Eliot croaked out.

Mr. Ambrogi edged closer. "Do you know what you are?"

"Vampire." The word was barely a whisper. Eliot's face crumpled and he sank to the floor, shaking with sobs.

Aramis ran to his mate and scooped him up in his arms. Eliot fought against the hold and growled, but Aramis didn't care. As fangs and sharp nails shredded his clothes and skin, he sat and held his mate, murmuring his apologies. Eventually, he could no longer fight against his new mate's feral strength. Eliot knocked Aramis on his back and straddled his legs.

"Who are you?" Eliot demanded. He wrapped his fingers around Aramis' throat.

"I'm your mate!" Aramis squeaked. "Dad, do something!"

Mr. Ambrogi urged, "Let him feed, Aramis. The taste of his mate will soothe him… I hope."

Aramis caught the last mumbled words and gulped. This could go one of two ways, either Eliot would feed a little and calm enough to be able to grasp the situation, or Eliot would drain Aramis, toss him aside and continue on his raging spree. Desperately hoping that the first outcome would prevail, he turned his head and exposed his neck.

Eliot's glowing eyes zeroed in on the thick, pulsing artery. Without a second thought, he bit. After the satisfying pop, the sweet, thick liquid filled his mouth and cooled the burn in his throat. With a groan of pleasure, he sucked at the wound and gulped down more blood. His own heart rate began to slow and the anger in his confused mind cleared. He released Aramis and sat back, wiping the back of his hand across his chin.

Mr. Ambrogi exhaled slowly. "Feeling better?"

"Yes, sir," Eliot replied. "Much."

"Good. Now, are things coming back to you? You know who you are?"

"Eliot, sir."

"Excellent. Now do you—"

A loud noise outside made all three vampires turn to the door. It flew open and John Berenz burst in, with guards attempting to restrain him. "Where the fuck is my son?" he boomed. "Those idiots at the desk wouldn't... tell me any… thing."

His eyes came to rest on Eliot's terrified face. "Eliot!" he cried. The doctor made the mistake of running at his son before anyone could stop him. Fearing for the safety of his mate, Eliot tackled the human and went for his throat.


Don't forget to visit the other flashers!

Cia Nordwell
Chris T. Kat
Elyzabeth VaLey
JC Wallace
Jim Dunaway
Jon Keys
Julie Lynn Hayes
MA Church
Ravon Silvius
Rob Colton
Tali Spencer

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday Briefs - Boys of Belsmeade 8

Welcome to Wednesday Briefs! It's flash fiction, so this story will be presented in 1000(ish)-word chapters. I hope you enjoy it, and check out the many other flashers, whose links are below. You can also check out the Wednesday Briefs Blog for more info and to sign up for email notifications.

Thanks for reading!


Chapter Eight

Oh yes, Aramis thought. This is perfect. The sweet flavor of his mate burst onto his tongue and made his spine tingle. He fisted one hand in Eliot's hair and wrapped the other around the slim waist, drawing him closer.

Thump. Swish. Thump. Swish.

Faster and faster, Eliot's heart pushed the vital fluid through his veins. The scent of blood swirled in the vampire's nose and triggered his thirst. Unable to control himself any longer, the predator took the human's chin in his hand and pushed it gently up to expose the slender throat.

Fingers gripping Aramis' shirt, Eliot moaned. "Oh God, Aramis. Yes."

Aramis' fangs descended as his cock hardened. Never before had the potential of drinking blood brought him to such a state of arousal. He opened his eyes and gasped at the sight of his mate at the edge of his sexual precipice. So stunning, so sexy, so… innocent.

Innocent. A virgin, too. As much as he wanted to sink his teeth into the warm flesh and draw Eliot's very being into his body, Aramis just couldn't do it. His fangs retracted and his erection softened. He stepped back from his mate and sighed.

Eliot still clutched at the air where Aramis' shirt had been a few seconds before. When he realized he was grasping nothing, he opened his eyes and asked, "What's wrong? Please don't stop." His breathy begging chipped away at Aramis' defenses, but he did not give in.

"No, Eliot. I can't do it." He expected a disappointed pout or maybe some whining. What he did not expect was for Eliot to start yelling.

"No? What the fuck?" Eliot raged around the small room while the vampire stared. "No. God damn it! You get me so worked up that I'm practically coming in my pants and then leave me hanging? Is it possible to cock-block yourself?"

Aramis crossed his arms and looked severely at Eliot. "Sit down, please."

"No," Eliot shot back.

Silver-white eyes blazed into Eliot's and a velvet voice commanded, "Sit down, Eliot."

He was powerless to resist. Those superhuman eyes penetrated his mind and took away all willpower. Eliot plopped down onto the small bed and blinked.

Aramis smiled and sat down next to him. "You have to understand what you're getting into."

Eliot rolled his eyes, "We're getting into sex. I think I got a handle on that part."

Aramis took his mate's hand and explained. "No. It's not just sex, Eliot. Not to me. If we made love and you somehow drank even the smallest drop from me, it would make you my mate."

"Make me?" Eliot inquired. "How would it make me?"

The vampire cleared his throat and spoke carefully. "You would become as I am: immortal."


Okay. That took care of my hard-on.

I looked at Aramis, desperately searching for some sign that he was joking. When I found no hint of levity on his face, I felt dizzy. Immortal. A vampire. I would be a vampire. How could I possibly wrap my head around that? Aramis turned away and ran his hands through his hair. The movement drew my attention to lock of dark brown hair behind his ear. Unconsciously, I touched the blonde patch on my own head.

"Our hair," I said. "What happened?"

"I touched you," Aramis replied softly. "All a vampire needs to do it touch their mate to know. When that contact happens, our bodies immediately begin to take on characteristics of the other."

"Huh?" I croaked.

Aramis was disconcerted. "What's wrong?"

"Wrong?" I repeated. "Aramis, what the fuck is right about this? I assume mates are kinda pre-ordained or something."

"We're not an organized religion. There is no pre-ordination going on. But we are paranormals. There is a certain power or magic contained within our bodies."

"But not in mine," I said with a huff. "Why would a vampire be attracted to a human? Has it happened before?"

"Of course," Aramis said with a shrug. "My mother was a human when my father met her. If we didn't have some new blood once in a while, we'd all be inbred crazies."

"Did you have to use that word?" I asked.

"What word?"


He scowled. "Don't tell me you're bothered by blood."

I raised an eyebrow. "By no means. I have no problem whatsoever with blood, unless it's been sucked from my body by the undead! Blech!"

Aramis put his hands up in a defensive gesture. "Enough, Eliot. No more. I'll have someone walk you to your car and you'll never see me or any other vampire again."

A hard knot of dread tightened in my chest. The thought of never seeing Aramis again was so painful that I whimpered. As he stood, I grabbed his hand and pulled him down. The momentum brought us backward so his body was blanketing mine. It only took a few seconds of contact for me to decide I couldn't live without it.

Frantically, I pushed my hips up and hissed in pleasure when Aramis mirrored the action. His hard cock rubbed against mine and we both groaned. I gripped his hair and fixed my mouth to his. The heat between us intensified, and the now familiar euphoria clouded my mind. It was Aramis' arousal, the very essence of him, pouring from his body in reaction to me. It made me feel powerful, sexy, uninhibited.

Wrapping my legs around his hips, I held his head firmly and bit down hard on his plump bottom lip. When he hissed and pulled away, I gasped. Aramis' mouth was smeared with red. Without thinking, I stuck out my tongue to clean my own lips.

"No don't!" Aramis cried.

It was too late. The salty tang of immortality hit my tongue. My head swam and I squeaked out a quiet, "Oh shit," before falling into a sleep from which I would never awaken.


Don't forget to visit the other flashers!

Cia Nordwell
Chris T. Kat
JC Wallace
Jim Dunaway
Jon Keys
Julie Lynn Hayes
MA Church
Ravon Silvius
Sarah Hayes
Tali Spencer